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Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Psychology Test

A question has been asked regarding psychology test as how can we prepare for it? What is it that they ask and what kind of answers they want?
The game of psychology is played everywhere, be it US Army, British Army, Indian Army or Pakistani Army. Be it ISSB or CSS, psychology tests are conducted to see if the candidate is suited for the job, whether he is capable to handle the job, whether he is mature and responsible enough or not.
To analyze this series of questions are asked and tests are conducted. Amazingly these questions no matter how well you prepare cant be deceived. They will get what psychologists need and they will provide an XRAY of your entire history, personality and life.
But there are ways by which you can dodge the tests and get the desired results.
What is required is that you practice these tests, get them in synchronization, meaning that if you answer a question in one test you should answer yes to the same type of question in another test. Psychologists analyze you by seeing exactly this whether you are lying or not by comparing the answers of different questions.
Here is a short summery of things to do to prepare for psychology tests.
1. Get to know about the kind of tests ( Ill give detail about it in another post).
2. Get to know about the kind of questions in each test.
3. Don’t cram the answers but develop a story about your self, hiding the few ugly parts which you don’t want to show in ISSB.
4. Make answers from that story so that they support each other.
Psychology test is the most important as psychologist gives his recommendation based on the tests. Meaning its one third of your ISSB relies on it.

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